Community Digest | PK Relays & District 6-4A Meet

Community Digest | PK Relays & District 6-4A Meet

Among all the incredible things Graham has to offer, the Graham High School track located at Newton Field has been top-tier since its installment. That’s why the second-largest track meet in Texas and the District 6-4A meet were both held at Graham High School this year.

Thirty-eight teams spanning all across Texas competed at the 75th PK Relays on March 18 in Graham, Tx. The PK Relays is the second largest high school track meet in Texas rivaling the Texas Relays which takes place in Austin every year. The schools participating included Graham, Breckenridge, Peaster, Burkburnett, Canyon, Springtown, and many more. There were even schools located in Oklahoma that made the effort to cross state borders to participate in the PK Relays. The meet started at 8:30 with the 3200m and field events quickly followed. Overall, the meet lasted over eleven hours.

The District 6-4A meet was also held in Graham, Tx on April 5 and 6. This meet switches locations every year due to district changes but this year Graham was lucky enough to host the event. Graham, Stephenville, Mineral Wells, Brownwood, and Glenrose participated in this meet. Although the size of the meet compared to PK relays was exponentially smaller than PK relays, this meet determines what track athletes will advance to Area in Abilene on April 21. 

Stephenville took home first for both the boys and girls varsity with Graham coming in with a  close second. Thirteen Graham boys in sixteen events qualified for Area as well as fourteen Graham girls in fifteen events.

Running events for both track meets included the 3200m, 400m relay, 800m, 100m, 100m hurdles, 110m hurdles,  800m relay, 400m, 300m hurdles, 200m, 1600m, and the 1600m relay. Field events included discus, shot put, long jump, triple jump, high jump, and pole vault. Graham track athletes were very successful in multiple events for both track meets.