Blue Crew is a mostly student led organization at GHS. It contains a wide variety of purposes, the main one being to inspire students within the student section to have fun. Blue Crew helps with events around the school, or the community. They are leaders and help others have a good time. Blue Crew also attends all of the football games, even those that are far. They make sure to stand front and center in front of the student section. They lead chants, songs, and even fun activities. All of this ensures that students have a fun time at the games. Members of Blue Crew must have high energy and big personalities. The whole point is to be peppy, and to get others to be peppy. Being loud and proud is a necessary requirement. In order to apply, one must first fill out an application describing why they would be a good fit for the group. They must detail their schedule and other activities they would be involved in, to make sure they could attend games regularly. The biggest thing it comes down to is whether or not the teacher in charge of the group
approves. That would be Ms. Shook. She is behind the scenes mostly, planning and making sure the things they do run smoothly. She said she tries to encourage the members in Blue Crew to be energetic and lively, hopefully rubbing some of that energy off on the student section. Although, sometimes it is difficult to get the student section to follow along with what the Crew is doing. They want students to have fun, but it’s tricky when they have no desire to and would rather just stand there. I spoke to one of the members, Jack Caddell, senior, and he told me that it is disappointing and he wishes they would just not come to the games if they won’t participate. Students seem to think the Crew is cringe and are embarrassed to get involved with the school spirit. Nevertheless, Blue Crew is determined to make sure that all students have a good, fun time.