Jack the Ripper was an (until recently) unidentified serial killer who had 5 canonical victims but it might have been more. He was active in the white chapel district of London in 1888. Murders attributed to him often involve prostitutes. Their throats were cut prior to abdominal mutilations. The removal of internal organs from at least three of the victims led to speculation that their killer had some anatomical or surgical knowledge. Extensive newspaper coverage bestowed widespread and enduring international notoriety on the Ripper, and the legend solidified. The killer was never caught nor identified, until recently.
DNA evidence has identified Jack the Ripper as a polish barber named Aaron Kominzki. He was definitely a suspect and a POI (person of interest) even though they didn’t have the term for it back then. If DNA evidence was a thing back then he definitely would have been caught. DNA on Eddowes dress was linked directly to Kosminski descendants. Aaron Kominzki had homicidal tendencies and suffered from auditory hallucinations. The way the victims bodies were mutilated made the investigators think he had anatomical knowledge.He gained anatomical knowledge from his job as a barber. Many signs pointed to him but no hard evidence came up so he was never brought to court and the killings remained a mystery. Until now historians can confidently say that Aaron Kominzki is Jack the Ripper.