Ireland Wright, contributor
Ireland Wright’s birthday is on November 2, and she is currently 17 years old. She attends Graham High School and is in her senior year. She is the 2024-2025 Bella Blues drill team captain. She is also involved in Key Club, Student Council, Art Club, and National Honor Society. In her free time she loves to swim, paint, watch Grey’s Anatomy, and she even works at Burgers and Billiards. A few words to describe her would include hard-working, confident, and generous. She believes that a good quote to go by is- “Stay close to the people who make you feel like sunlight”. Her future plans consist of her attending Tarleton for 4 years to study psychology. From there she would like to attend grad school for neuropsychology. Once settled into a career, she will work at a children’s hospital for kids with neurological issues. A funny story about her- When she woke up from her eye surgery to asked the nurses if she could have Raising Canes and when they said no she cried for the remaining two hours.