Jack Page, Editor
Jack Page is a jazzy, jolly, and jaw-dropping junior journalist at Graham High School. He is currently 16 and will graduate in the year 2026. He is involved in theatre, band, and lots of clubs/organizations. He has played a variety of roles in theatre from his first show as Prince Charming in Cinderella Jr. to his latest role as Bert in Mary Poppins. He also plays the alto saxophone and that’s… okay. He has a really big family being one of 7 kids with lots of additions including spouses and children. He could go into detail about that family story but all that matters is they are AWESOME! He is very thankful for his family and friends. I used to say winter was my favorite season but after this summer break, despite the heat, I made the best memories and now would choose summer as my favorite although I am ready for the cool weather. Some of his hobbies include watching tv, listening to music, and spending time with loved ones. Most important overall is Jack loves Jesus and tries his hardest to reflect His light. His favorite verse is John 16:33 which says “I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble, but take heart. I have overcome the world.” Jack dreams in his life to travel the world and see all of God’s beauty. He has goals and hopes for his future, but it all depends on one thing, God’s plan for Jack.